Monday, April 3, 2023

What is gematria?

gematria is an ancient system of numerical equivalents that is believed to come from Jewish mysticism. It is used by both religious and non-religious people to find hidden meanings in words and numbers.

The basis of gematria is the numerical value of letters in a word or phrase. Every Hebrew letter stands for a number, and so when words are measured according to the numerical equivalent of their letters, patterns emerge that traditionally reveal spiritual or prophetic insights. For example, the seven-letter Hebrew name of God (YHVH) has a numerical value of 26 because each letter has a corresponding single digit number (10, 5, 6, 5). It is believed that this same numerical value can be found in certain words and phrases to tell us something about their meaning.

Gematria also has its followers among esoteric practitioners who use it for divination purposes which could include predictions about the future based on word-combinations with similar values. Many numerologists are also attracted to gematria as they believe it can shed light on individual characteristics such as personality traits or life lessons.

Gematria how to read


Gematria is a system of assigning numerical values to words and phrases in order to unlock cosmic truths and unlock hidden messages. The practice of gematria can be traced back thousands of years — historically being used in Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic texts. Gematria can provide insight into the mystical world by interpreting the numerical values of words and phrases, leading to deep and fascinating revelations about the Universe. In this article, we'll look at how to read gematria so you can apply it in your own exploration.

To start reading gematria, you must first understand the basic numbering system used in most texts. This system has been around for centuries and is based upon the Hebrew alphabet. Each letter corresponds with a number ranging from 1-9 (Aleph corresponding with 1, Bet with 2, Gimel with 3, etc.).

For instance, the Jewish word for 'light', or 'Ha'Or', is spelled Hei Vav Ayin Resh (5 6 70 200). When we break these numbers down further - 5+6+70=81 - we can decipher that "Ha'Or" means "Light" when broken down through gematria principles.

In some cases, additional layers of meaning are revealed by rearranging the letters or numbers in different ways. For example, if we rearrange "Ha'Or" to spell Reh Eh Yov Hei (200 8 10 5) and then add up each numerical value - 200+8+10+5=223 - we now have a different meaning attached to "Ha'Or".

This method of alphabetical engineering also applies when reading other ancient texts like Greek or Arabic. However, as each language uses its own set of characters and numerical values associated with them — they may have slightly different interpretations when it comes to deciphering meanings through gematria systems.

Once you understand the language's alphabetical numbering system used in a text - use your intuition and imagination to interpret any given phrase numerically. Then look up various interpretations — such as religious texts or ancient prophecies — associated with these numbers in order to gain insight into life's hidden secrets!

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